Full Version: Use the original icons from m3u for each group
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if i want to use the original icons or iptvepg icons, the only selection is for entire playlist and not for each group.

for example i have a group called usa i want to select icons from iptvepg, but in other group like vod i want to use the original icons from the iptv provider.

If you set a channel to VOD and you use our Android TV app, then you will get the poster and all the description, actor, director etc information about the movie, if it is not a series episode.

We will add this feature to all our apps later.

You should NEVER keep a VOD movie marked as a normal channel and possibly even set it to "Get EPG".
The posters for VOD movies which were marked as VOD and are listed in the VOD section in our editor are coming from the original m3u of the provider only.