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Few channels I need to fill in my tv guide

Redlight HD 
Satelite info - http://www.frocus.net/main.php?lng=en&rz...0743#10743
TV Guide - https://programtv.onet.pl/program-tv/redlight-hd-498

Vivid Red HD
Satelite Info - http://vividtv-eu.com/satellite-details-vivid-red-hd/
TV Guide - https://programtv.onet.pl/program-tv/vivid-red-hd-627

Stars XXX HD
TV Guide - https://programtv.onet.pl/program-tv/stars-xxx-tv-652

Penthouse Gold HD
TV Guide - https://www.penthousetv.com/channelGold.php

Penthouse Quickies HD
TV Guide - https://www.penthousetv.com/channelQuickies.php

Penthouse Passion HD
TV Guide - https://www.penthousetv.com/channelPassion.php

SuperOne HD
Sat Info - https://www.lyngsat.com/tvchannels/hu/SuperOne-HD.html
Cant find TV Guide, but if you cant check I would appreciate it

Evil Angel HD
TV Guide - (!!CAUTION!! | Graphic | Has Thumbnails) https://www.evilangel.tv/en

Others I am not sure are real channels
What country are these channels from?

SuperOneHD is added to Hungary becasue the EPG is only available in Hungarian language.