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Not sure if this would be possible but for tv shows in the XML to add <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">6.45.</episode-num> so season.episode.part? 

As apps like plex and xteve is idenifying it as a movie not a tv show. 

That info has been always there.

If the source provides the data, we give it to you in xmltv_ns format.

If the data is not there, we don't get that information from the source.

We can not invent episode numbers on our own.
The data is there, however it is entered wrongly. 

for example:

CBSWCBS.us - a show says <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">.5932.</episode-num>
anothor show says <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">.18083.</episode-num>

(01-19-2020, 07:50 PM)Epg Admin Wrote: [ -> ]
That info has been always there.

If the source provides the data, we give it to you in xmltv_ns format.

If the data is not there, we don't get that information from the source.

We can not invent episode numbers on our own.
That is not entered wrongly.
Please learn how xmltv_ns works.

That simply means that the source didn't provide a season number but only an episode number.

If Plex and Xteve can't handle it, contact their developers and tell them to fix THEIR software.
Ours works just fine, becasue we actually know how these things work.