Full Version: Create your own Channel EPG
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Here is a sample scenario....

Lets say I have EPL games every weekend

I know whose playing on what channels but thats unique just to me!!

A pre-channel editor where I can create my own channel listing and simply insert

MyTeamA Vs MyTeam B at 3PM on Saturday the 11th November

I guess it would require some kinda Google calender where I create a channel then manually fill in the info for the time and date....

It would allow us all to create custom EPG for PPV events or any event not covered by a standard EPG list.....

You may even charge an extra fee to those that want it and make it an optional extra ......

I understand what you mean and why you would need something like this.

We will see if we can do something about it.
(06-08-2020, 06:18 PM)Epg Admin Wrote: [ -> ]I understand what you mean and why you would need something like this.

We will see if we can do something about it.

Much appreciated for listening....

Almost positive you would be the 1st EPG company to offer such functionality.


Also thinking about this - It would allow simple recording for Catchup....

Another added bonus - great for PPV events on at 5am in the morning Tongue
Agreed. This would be a top, top addition.
(06-08-2020, 06:18 PM)Epg Admin Wrote: [ -> ]I understand what you mean and why you would need something like this.

We will see if we can do something about it.

Bumping this. Xteve handles this by just placing the channel name in as EPG info. This would work well for ppv-type events that change daily. Is this possible?