Full Version: The security of our site and your data
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We just learned that some IPTV providers forbid online m3u editors, saying that it is a security risk for getting your data leaked.

First of all an M3U file is a text file and it can not do any harm whatsoever.

Beside that, our website is secured with the best and latest technology available and we constantly monitor our servers for security issues.

It never happened that a single account was leaked from our website to the internet since we went online in 2016.

If you use pastebin and other websites for storing your data publicly, that is a different issue and has nothing to do with our website's security.

Even if your IPTV username and password leaked to the internet somehow, you recognize it very easy, because IPTV providers allow only one connection per account, so when you watch TV and your stream constantly breaks down when other people are trying to connect, you know that you have a problem.

That problem can be solved simply by changing the username and/or password on the server of the IPTV provider, so there is no security risk at all and you know that your IPTV provider is just bullshitting you.