Full Version: Channel request Sweden
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Need EPG for this 2 new swedish channels for my playlist

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="MTVAitio.se" tvg-name="MTV Aitio HD SE" tvg-logo="https://picon-13398.kxcdn.com/mtvaitio.jpg" group-title="Live: Sweden",MTV Aitio HD SE
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="MTVViihde.se" tvg-name="MTV Viihde HD SE" tvg-logo="https://picon-13398.kxcdn.com/mtvviihde.jpg" group-title="Live: Sweden",MTV Viihde HD SE

Official https://www.mtv.fi/kanavat

Other online source is incorrect!
https://tv24.se/kanal/mtv-viihde -is not what is showing on channel, is not only name replace of Cmore series
https://tv24.se/kanal/mtv-aitio -is not what is showing on channel, is not only name replace of Cmore First
The website you claim being right is finnish and the epg is in finnish language for the finnish channels.

All the MTV channels are in finland in the list, but are called CMore instead of MTV.

I changed that now.

Tomorrow the new names will be visible in finland.

What you claim to be wrong, is the data for the swedish version of the channels and are in swedish language and are also in the swedish list. Now renamed too.