02-11-2024, 05:24 PM
Dear Sir or Madame,
I would like to use epg.best as EPG Only for the existing local channels on my Enigma2-Box (VU+ Duo 4K SE).
So I would love if there will be added a second option for channel selection and editing by which I could create a own local channel.conf-File.
It should list Channel, Name, TVG-ID and provide an input field where I could insert the channel reference from my local Enigma2-BOX.
The actual system with an M3U-File (downloaded for a bouquet on Enigma2-Box) will generate new entries to the channel list by refering back to the Stream-URL of the actual channelsalready on Enigma2-Box.
This will end up in Enigma2-Box streaming its channels back to itself... (not quite sure if this will work at all)
Of course it should be possible for me to just generate a local channel.conf by myself; but I will more convenient if it could be done through a Web-GUI on epg.best.
Best regards,
I would like to use epg.best as EPG Only for the existing local channels on my Enigma2-Box (VU+ Duo 4K SE).
So I would love if there will be added a second option for channel selection and editing by which I could create a own local channel.conf-File.
It should list Channel, Name, TVG-ID and provide an input field where I could insert the channel reference from my local Enigma2-BOX.
The actual system with an M3U-File (downloaded for a bouquet on Enigma2-Box) will generate new entries to the channel list by refering back to the Stream-URL of the actual channelsalready on Enigma2-Box.
This will end up in Enigma2-Box streaming its channels back to itself... (not quite sure if this will work at all)
Of course it should be possible for me to just generate a local channel.conf by myself; but I will more convenient if it could be done through a Web-GUI on epg.best.
Best regards,