Full Version: SkySports MotoGP, SkySports F1, DAZN F1, F1TV
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I am looking for the UK (English language) EPGs. Cheers.

SkySports MotoGP
SkySports F1

Where are the rules? The only rules I can find say:
Posting a New Thread
When you go to a forum you are interested in and you wish to create a new thread (or topic), simply choose the button at the top and bottom of the forums entitled "New Thread". Please take note that you may not have permission to post a new thread in every forum as your administrator may have restricted posting in that forum to staff or archived the forum entirely.
This is not how it works.

Read the Forum rules.

How do you expect us to give you english sky motogp epg when the data does not exist even on the official sky website?