Full Version: [ADDED] Israel Broadcast Channels Changes
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Yesterday midnight Israel Channel 22 was split to 2 channels and the Channel 22 Want blank.
The Channel was spilt to the fallowing Channels:
12 Keshet - The EPG located in this address in the 12 box. - http://www.hot.net.il/heb/TV/TVGuide/.aspx
13 Reshet - The EPG located in this address in the 13 box - http://www.hot.net.il/heb/TV/TVGuide/.aspx
Channel 10 moved to 14 and the name change "10" the updated link to the EPG is: https://www.yes.co.il/content/tvguide and located in the EPG under 14.
12 Keshet - The EPG located in this address in the 12 box. - https://www.yes.co.il/content/tvguide
13 Reshet - The EPG located in this address in the 13 box - https://www.yes.co.il/content/tvguide
Hy Admin
Any update ETA?
Any update?
I added 12 Keshet and 13 Reshet to the list.

I am not sure if we have Channel 22 in the list.
I don't think so.