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Auto Accept All Updates
Having auto update will break quite a few things, trust that you dont want it.

For 1, they dont reuse the the removed channels. They just delete the line and add it to the bottom, creating a whole new channel. XtremeCodes resolves most of it but is still not perfect resulting in a bunch of blanks/non working entries and new channels added out of order.

I would instead suggest, filtering those PPV/Live channels out of the editor, and instead using your original playlist for those. Can either use a filter or clever inline sed command to only show select lines.

Messages In This Thread
Auto Accept All Updates - by Deimos - 10-31-2022, 01:27 AM
RE: Auto Accept All Updates - by Epg Admin - 10-31-2022, 10:42 AM
RE: Auto Accept All Updates - by jeremyrem - 06-21-2024, 06:39 PM

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