I removed a specific channel from a group. I verified 1000x that it is not listed in the group but this specific channel is clearly in the XML. I waited 5 minutes, 20 minutes then 2 hours and it is still in my iptv-epg m3u file. It will not go away.
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="http://picon.helixhosting.ninja/1642.png" tvg-chno="228" channel-id="228" group-title="E-News",C-SPAN HD
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="http://picon.helixhosting.ninja/1642.png" tvg-chno="228" channel-id="228" group-title="E-News",C-SPAN HD