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Use our own app called EPiG to get full EPG without needing an XML! You find it in your profile!

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Feature Request - Merge Provider EPG
For those of us that are luck enough to have providers that provide EPG data is there any chance on allowing us to import that data and use it as a backup for those channels without a match?

Currently my provider offers 17452 channels (every country) and I only use around 2000 that require EPG data.  Since their EPG is very lacking I use your service for the majority of it, and for the channels I do not care about or have no match I use the provider's EPG.

The only issue with this is my system downloads 2 EPGs, sets yours as priority (doesnt always work that way and I have to manually lock EPG matching to prevent conflicting data) and matches those channels, and anything left over goes to the next one.

For me your EPG is roughly 30-40MB in size and my providers EPG averages around 100MB with a lot of unused channels as I only use 4 countries (US/CAN/UK/Korea).

It would be great if I could do everything from your site namely for any channel that cant already be matched.

Also I think my account has a bug in it, I noticed a week ago some of my main stream channels were not getting EPG (FOX, ABC, etc) and saw the update where everything has been localized, however they upto today still showed the invalid match as valid (,, etc) and I just manually went threw and used my best guess and since my EPG will auto match to my other source I cant scroll through my guide to find the missing ones anymore.

Thanks, hopefully this gets approved.
Quote:For me your EPG is roughly 30-40MB in size and my providers EPG averages around 100MB with a lot of unused channels as I only use 4 countries (US/CAN/UK/Korea).

Just delete all the other stuff in your m3u file using our editor.

Trim down your list to those channels you really watch.

Do not use your provider'S EPG.

We do not plan to introduce a feature that will allow you to import foreign EPG data.

The tvg-ids do not autoupdate in your m3u file.

You don'T need to guess.
There is a channel finder on the website at the top of the page.
Its not a big deal but I still need to use my providers EPG because there are a lot of channels I get that you guys do not have (yet), mostly Korean, some American.

It is already trimmed down, but I have no way to trimming the EPG files down in an automated way.

The tvg-ids do not auto update and I never expected them to, however when they became invalid I at least expected some sort of notification to that effect on a channel level.  Instead it was showing as a valid tvg-id for my Fox tv channel and 2-3 of its backups.

I am not sure you completely understand what I was saying so heres a photo of what it looked like

[Image: 1iofkl66.png] was a valid tvg-id, its not anymore but it still shows as a valid match
Rule of thumbs: No EPG - > Check tvg-id in editor and on channel list.

We will think about this at a later point.
We have more important things to do before this.

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