EPG Only for existing local Channels on Enigma2-Box / Generate own channel.conf

Submitted by Angus.MacGyver at

EPG Only for existing local Channels on Enigma2-Box / Generate own channel.conf
by Angus.MacGyver
Dear Sir or Madame,

I would like to use epg.best as EPG Only for the existing local channels on my Enigma2-Box (VU+ Duo 4K SE).
So I would love if there will be added a second option for channel selection and editing by which I could create a own local channel.conf-File.

It should list Channel, Name, TVG-ID and provide an input field where I could insert the channel reference from my local Enigma2-BOX.

The actual system with an M3U-File (downloaded for a bouquet on Enigma2-Box) will generate new entries to the channel list by refering back to the Stream-URL of the actual channelsalready on Enigma2-Box.

This will end up in Enigma2-Box streaming its channels back to itself... (not quite sure if this will work at all)

Of course it should be possible for me to just generate a local channel.conf by myself; but I will more convenient if it could be done through a Web-GUI on epg.best.

Best regards,

Epg Admin
Sorry, but it will not happen.
First of all this is a very specific request based solely on your personal preferences and we can not develop something that is either not needed by many people or has no real technical value.
We have many Enigma2 users and in the last 8 years none of them requested such a feature, so I assume, that there is a solution, you just don't see it and you try to make an iron wheel out of a wooden block.

The second reason why it won't happen, because we have too many things on our todo list, which are more important and we can't close up even on those, so even if I would add this to the list, it would be placed at the very end.

I advise to look for a different solution.


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